The Provincial AGM held at Grand Lodge, Great Queens Street saw three members of the Lodge awarded Active Provincial Grand Rank, an unusual occurrence and a singular honour for the Lodge. Over 10 Lodge Members were there to see the ceremony and to join in the lunch in the Connaught Rooms next door and the pub and general and happy celebration before lunch and after. The The three recipients were:
As Provincial Grand Junior Warden: W Bro Capt Duncan Lilley
As Provincial Grand Sword Bearer: W Bro Maj Michael Rowbory
As Provincial Grand Steward: W Bro Maj Wally Vincent
The Provincial Rank recipients with the WM, from L to R:
W Bro Maj Mike Rowbory, WM, W Bro Maj Wally Vincent, W Bro Capt Duncan Lilley (in the regalia of the Provincial Grand Stewards Lodge)
In the Connaught Rooms after the AGM, Left to right:
The 3 "Paras" - Al Petrie, Percy Roach, and Duncan Lilley and the three recipients of honours enjoying a beer after the ceremony.